Every student who does not complete high school costs our society approximately $260,000 in lost earnings, taxes and productivity
The median individual income for a high school dropout today is $24,000; but for someone with a Bachelor’s degree, it is $48,000
Students who don’t read proficiently by the end of 3rd grade are 4 times more likely to not finish high school
Ala Carte Education Foundation
Providing obtainable
academic intervention
for all students
By collaborating with local schools and other nonprofit organizations dedicated to serving our target population, we hope to reach out to more at risk and economically-disadvantaged youth in the Greeley-Weld School District-6, Thompson, Poudre, St. Vrain and Boulder Valley School Districts to serve more students than ever before. Our focus is to help all students learn how to learn, greatly improving the likelihood of attaining their appropriate grade level, graduating from high school, attending college and finding meaningful careers.
Our Program